In the process of injection molding, due to the uneven cooling and shrinkage of plastic in the mold cavity and the unreasonable …… MORE
1. Good product structure (1) product design should try to avoid unnecessary side concave and the use of mold core pulling mecha…… MORE
Plastic shell, as the name suggests, is a shell product made of plastic materials. Such products generally need injection moldin…… MORE
The whole process of plastic mold injection molding includes feeding, plasticizing, mold filling, pressure maintaining, backflow…… MORE
Plastic shell processing refers to the processing of plastic molding and plastic blank making tools. It consists of an upper mol…… MORE
Generally, the production type of mold processing is single piece and small batch production. The basic principle of formulating…… MORE
Which power supply plastic case is safer? The plastic shell of the power supply is usually made of plastic rubber, which can pla…… MORE
Injection molding production is the last step of molding injection molded parts. Before injection molding processing and product…… MORE
At present, there are six trends of modified plastics for household appliances. It mainly includes: brighter appearance color \ …… MORE
1、外觀和用料 外觀和用料是一個醫療器械外殼的基本上的特點,外觀直接決定了一個外殼能不能被客戶接受的首要標準,所以現階段的外觀也逐漸偏重多樣化發展趨勢,因而在我們的測試中也占有一定的比重。用料關鍵取決于醫療器械外殼廠家選用的材料,醫療器械外殼的邊緣是否經過打卷處理,材料的好壞也會影響到防電磁輻射性能。 ……
MORE鋁外殼在社會上應用的范圍較為廣泛,使得這種產品在市場上的銷量相對比較高。但是客戶在選購鋁外殼的時候,需要參考一定的標準,這樣使得選購工作才可以更加順利的進行。 客戶在鋁外殼進行選購工作的時候,可以按照產品的質量來進行選擇,質量的好壞會對其使用時間產生很大的影響。同時,質量良好的產品在使用的時候效果比較好,……